Avoid Half-Brained Marketing
Half-brained marketing is clearly a bad factor. Yet, over-focus on left-brain or right-brain thinking, skills, or endeavors really does plague many marketing departments.
Right-brain marketing prevails in firms that have in the past valued marketing and advertising communications. Right-brain characteristics: qualitative, idea-driven, free-form, creative, intuiting, feeling, non-straight line. Marketing happens to be likely to use creative talent to make use of feelings and elicit responses from people, influencing their behavior.
Left-brain marketing is dominant in businesses that have in the past valued analytics and research. Left-brain characteristics: quantitative, data-driven, systematic, engineered, sensing, logic, straight line. Marketing continues to be known as upon in the last decade approximately to become a better citizen within the corporation by looking into making more tangible business cases and showing obvious is a result of their budget stewardship.
Why the Half-Brain Conundrum?
A kind of prejudice might be in play between right-brainers and left-brainers. If you are interested in marketing endeavors somewhere from the brain, it may seem confusing or thank you for colleagues with desire for sleep issues.
Left-brain marketers might be newer imports in to the marketing function, and often over-value quantitative data without fully comprehending the intangible impact of human-to-human (H2H) marketing efforts, qualitative reasoning, and inventive deliverables. If you are vulnerable to left-brain thinking, you might even see right-brainers as impractical dreamers.
Right-brain marketers could have a longer reign within the marketing function, and often over-value sizzle and also the latest trends without fully understanding the advantages of systematic ways to minimize chaos and waste or the potential for data to steer decision-making. Should you favor right-brain thinking, you might even see left-brainers as confining oppressors.
Once the left- and right-brain of promoting aren’t harmonized, it’s not easy to help make the outcomes of what motivates people emotionally in addition to intellectually. It might be difficult to connect the dots across exactly what the marketing organization is anticipated to complete for the organization. And without mutual appreciation, more waste and lost possibilities abide, passing up on synergies of full-brain marketing.
The good thing about Full-Brain Marketing
Both left-brain and right-brain marketing have lengthy been mastered by leading consumer packaged goods firms facing intense competition with thin margins and being one-step (or even more) taken off consumers. During these firms, the marketing function appears to possess a bigger seat in the executive table, and much more effect on the organization in addition to customers.
Today’s challenges in each and every industry are universal: to help make the best utilization of limited sources within the mission to maximize revenue streams. We are able to only do this by abandoning right/left silos and collaborating carefully over the wealthy causes of knowledge of our marketing departments.
Here are a few methods for you to embrace each side from the marketing brain:
Notice that both left- and right-brain talents are necessary to meet marketing challenges.
Take care not to unintentionally get rid of the goose that lays the golden egg.
Resist the need to compensate for insufficient left-brain marketing overnight. Over-engineering isn’t the answer.
Don’t forget H2H needs while going after analytics, automation, internet marketing, etc.
Help each side express the things they value that’s not the same as and customary to each other.
Give each side possibilities to discover another through shadowing and/or mix-functional teams and assignments.
Balance the limelight, assignments, and also the marketing scorecard in appreciating the contributions of both left- and right-brain skills.
you’re ready to leverage all of the sources at hands – right brains and left brains – right into a collaborative, effective, marketing function. Let us use our whole-brain marketing wiles to increase that collaboration across silos company-wide, for full brain-power in most functions that induce value for that customer.